Custom Coops and Runs
Unlike our coops, many of our runs run the gamut from shapes and sizes to roof configurations and coverings. Some people don't mind stooping down when entering for whatever task is at hand, while others want to walk in with space to spare. Most prefer a flat roof, still others one that is gabled.
6’ by 12’ Run
For Shannon in Redwood City
6' by 12' run with a hardware skirt runnin’ nearly to China. To the left, a feed station with a lid offering access from the top. The roof is cut at a 1 and 12 pitch feeding the water to the back - Redwood City.
Shannon called me in a certain desperation, not that she was all panicky and such, as Shannon's too disciplined for that. But she was a tad sad in that a predator on the wing had had its way with one of her beloved hens. So i drove over to Redwood City in the big middle of the pandemic no less and we talked. These girls, though up in age, were still laying and had had the run of some 3 - 400 sq. ft. for most their days, though this was about to change thanks to Shannon's shrewd design.
So the box you see to the left is their "feed and watering station" of which is serviced from the top vs. the lid door. But the girls gain access via the solar controlled door you can't hardly see. It's a bummer that i failed to take proper photos that day, especially of what might well be the smallest breezeway ever. So please, take my word for it; they're connected and what's more, the girls know it.
Custom Coop + Run
For Rob
Rob called telling me about his pink Eglu but then concerned he didn't have a more confined run, as he was initially gonna let the girls have a part of the yard that would be cordoned off from the remaining. It was getting late as the girls were bouncing off the proverbial walls in the garage. So we landed on what you see. But then he called a week or so later saying that the girls just wouldn't go up into their Iglu of which is not unheard of especially in the big middle of summer.
So I went back over as we vacillated about joining up one of my coops to the outside, or, then we thought, why not let's just put one inside the existing run on a platform up off the ground so as not to lose any run space. So we did, and last I heard they were sleeping soundly in their new coop. But then wouldn't you know it, I forgot my camera that day and so what you see is what i got. I aim to call him, as Rob was one of my most delightful customers.
6' Coop de Grande
12' by 8' run at 7' height and under panels. Only partly covered for sun, with collected limbs from the surrounding property for the girls to roost on
Mountains above Los Gatos
Tree in the way, so we built around it!
With run built around tree. Can't quite remember why I built the thing around the tree, but I'm thinkin’ cause it was in the way.
Custom A-Frame
This was a one-off that is limited to no more than 3 hens; 2 better, cause "one is the loneliest number, one is the …….. Just for the fun of it.